Tuesday, October 11, 2005

KP oh KP

hua.. gue stress, ini KP pa kabar yak, pusing gue bikinnya. untuk menambah semangat, gue bikin ticker di atas, itu bukan graduation si maxudnya, tapi deadline pengumpulan laporan KP/TA/SP :)) *ketawa stress*.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

ah, here's another one, this time it's a puppy :D. be good zoey & trix! :P

adopt your own virtual pet!
yay, at last i have a tiger cub as a pet, virtual though ;), ngga kesampean si mo punya aslinya, hihihi. i named him (/her?) zoey. huhuhu, lucu skali x)

adopt your own virtual pet!