Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Baru aja nonton American Idol, minggu ini mereka nyanyiin lagu2nya Queen. Yang tampil pertama Bucky Covington, mayan lah, gue ngga tau lagunya & i'm never a big fan of him. Yang tampil kedua, Ace Young, bawain We Will Rock You, menurut gue dia nekad banget milih ni lagu, lagu2 dia selama ini kan cenderung lagu mellow & ini dari judulnya aja udah rock. Well, kurang kena si pas dia nyanyiin ini, tapi effort nya mayan lah. And next, Kellie Pickler! gue kaget pas tau dia mo nyanyiin Bohemian Rhapsody :-O, it's such a very nice song & if she sang it badly, males aja kan liatnya. Bener aja lho dia ngebawain lagu itu masih dengan cengkok country nya yang ketara di awal lagu >_<. Argghh langsung ilfeel, ditambah bajunya yang ngga banget, terlalu bold kayanya & make up nya smoky eyes nya yang aneh (ngga tau kenapa kayanya dandanan matanya dia suka bikin matanya kliatan aneh). I prefer to see Suzie McNeal perform the song, bener2 keren & bikin gue takjub nonton dia nyanyi. The rest of the contestants? quite good, tapi sayang Chris Daughtry bawain lagu yang ngga terkenal, padahal suara rock nya dia udah cocok banget buat tema minggu ini, i like Taylor Hicks' performance, he seems to be having a good time on stage ;) & Simon dengan kejamnya bilang "are you drunk?".

From another reality shows, sure i'm gonna miss Project Runway & America's Next Top Model, kapan ya tv2 itu bakal nayangin the next season of the show...? & I'm still waiting for The Apprentice 4 & 5 to be aired on Star World ^^

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

breathe me

Sia - Breathe Me

Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Is it all because i fear so much? I am scared some bad experience will eventually repeated. It was all too much for me, to experience it once is more than enough, it was too painful.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

1 year

hey, it's been a year since i start this blog, & only 21 posts made, hahah :))


argh, gue lagi bosen banget hari ini. well, tiap hari si gue bosen, karena gue tiap hari mesti di rumah, mengerjakan kp. what?? yep, i haven't finished my internship, byebye to this semester graduation x(. no one to blame though, maybe because i have to work at home, so that i got less motivated, i got bored easily at home, & when i got bored, i chat, i browse, i watch tv, i'd practically do anything to amuse me. like now, i decided to write something, hmpphh. padahal kerjaan gue tinggal dikit lagi *semoga*, tapi yang dikit ini yang ribet & gue pusing ajah tiap mo ngerjainnya, makanya pikiran gue suka bercabang kemana-mana.

anyway, gue cukup excited dengan jadwal tv beberapa bulan ke depan, hehehhehe, karena american idol 5 udah mulai, oc juga ada *meskipun udah aga' basi*, america's next top model 4 udah ada *basi juga* dan ada rerun rockstar: inxs. yay, gue mo liat marty casey nyanyiin creep & everlong, karena pas pertama kali diputer gue ngga ngikutin tiap episode :P. dan star world akhirnya bakal nayangin friends 10, setelah beberapa bulan rerun episode2 lama -_-, i miss 2 episodes on dvd, jadi gue harus ngikutin lagi di tv :D.

ok, enough with curhats & off to work now!