Friday, December 14, 2007

I (Still) Heart Lego

Lego City

Was so ecstatic to see LEGO City exhibition at Senayan City last weekend. It was AWESOOOOMEEE..! I went to the shopping centre on Friday night just to go to Sony Ericsson store -got some problem with the PC Suite. That's all I wanted to do, I didn't think it would take more than an hour. But I found some interesting Christmas decoration on the way, there was this golden minimalist Christmas tree near the valet service and a HUGE Christmas teddy bear. The moment I saw it, I knew I had to take pictures! Aaand when I arrive at the atrium level, there's this enormous-sophisticated-fantastic LEGO City! I had seen the 'Lego City' sign when I was on the escalator, I thought it was just another Lego sale, well maybe with one or two house or Harry Potter Lego sample.. Hell I was wrong, there was a city miniature! With buildings, ships, planes, houses, lots of 'people', elevated train and much much more. I was so amazed. But since I didn't have enough battery on my cellphone that night, I had to go back the next day just to get pictures of the city. :)

It's been a long time since I 'touch' any Lego. The last time was because I had to tidy it up. My cousin played with it & God knows how much I'm scared I'm gonna lose it, especially the small or rare components. My cousin is a boy, thus not fond of tidying & organizing activities, let alone try to avoid throwing my Lego under the sofa -_-. It happens that I prefer to tidy up my Lego myself, because there are certain rules to follow and I don't think anyone will do it exactly as I do, hihi.. :P. I'd been playing it since I was on kindergarten I guess, my first Lego was a Duplo, Lego for toddlers. It consists of bigger block components, bigger minifigures and more colorful parts. Around the age of 6, I used to play Lego Basic, it belongs to my Grandparents, I only played it when I came to their house. I didn't find any complicated parts at that time, it was basically bricks, doors, windows & roofs. The brick was thicker than the ones I have now. The next Lego I own is a part of Legoland subtheme, I just know now that it's actually a part of Town theme. This kind of Lego got more itsy bitsy tiny & diverse parts. The first time I got it, I was awed to see the small brown luggage, those tiny rounded transparent parts, small stairway, broomstick, mop, frying pan, drawer, cupboard, flowers and much more.

After browsing about Lego, I just found out that they have vastly different collections now. I think they're a lot more specific to a certain theme, such as Harry Potter, Castle, Mars Mission, Indiana Jones, etc, while I prefer to have simple buildings such as houses, restaurants and airports. Oh, I used to wish for a gas station Lego, I don't know why.. :D. If I want to buy another Lego, maybe I could consider this Lego City's airport or these Lego. I just found them on the Top Rated Lego, I also saw one of them at the exhibition! Damn, this Lego craze will only add up to my already long wish list.. :P

corner hotel

Anyway, here's some stuff at Lego City that I really like:

rock concert

busway station, transJ, bajaj, Jakarta's traffic jam!

pizza resto!

like houses in Amsterdam

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, December 07, 2007

There Goes My Favorite Couple

It's sad to see the Indonesian team eliminated last night. I'm rooting for Brett & Kinaryosih for this season of The Amazing Race Asia. Somehow I'm positive that they will be at least on the Top 5, but no, they're second to be eliminated :(. I don't know how they ended up to be the last team since they arrived at Auckland airport. They were the last getting the car, they got lost to be on the first venue and it took so long for them to get the required pictures. The bungee jump was fast though -I thought they could still catch up with other teams-, but on the wall climbing, it wasn't just fast enough. It took time for Brett to reach the clue & Kinar couldn't climb the wall so both decided to give up & chose another Detour. At this time most of the team had arrived at Pit Stop & I gave up my hope that they'd still be on the race -I just hoped that they got a non-elimination round. Aaand my nightmare just came true, it turned out that kayaking venue was closed. I thought they're gonna continue the next day, but what's the point, all teams were already at Pit Stop. So yes, they were led by the crew to go straight to Pit Stop & get ready to hear the final words from Allan Wu. *sigh*.

I hate to see them go this early, I started to like them as a couple & as a team. They seem like those laid back & cute couple. And Brett is surely hot *cough* & knows how to treat a lady, lucky you Kinar..! ;). Well physically they are much more promising than Indonesia's last season team, Mardi & Marsio. The former has an athletic built & they can run & move fast, unfortunately not all kind of tasks are easily done. So far I haven't seen them bickering & fighting at each other even when they lost the game. I wish there will be an All Star Race & hope you two will be included..! ;)

*Image taken from The Amazing Race Asia

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Monday, September 17, 2007

The Links

Just add some new links, my Grandpa is making his first attempt on blogging... :D. I see he's made some drafts but haven't got the time to publish it yet.

And a link for online shopping! Please visit PopChickPop, lots of cute shirts, accessories & all girl stuff for a low price, mostly under IDR 100k..! :D. Orders can be delivered right to your door, with additional shipping price of course. All of the stuff are limited, so just message the number or leave a comment if you want to buy..! ;)

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Long Awaited Phone

Dari jaman gue kuliah dulu, gue udah kepengen ganti HP, bukan karena udah rusak si, emang liat HP yang lucu aja.. :P. Sony Ericsson W-something, gue lupa persisnya yang mana, tapi seinget gue itu putih, kayanya si W900. Tapi ya menyadari kondisi keuangan yang ngga memungkinkan buat beli itu, gue niatin beli kalo udah kerja. Tentunya sekalian nunggu model terbaru, hehe. Setelah nyari-nyari model yang kira-kira gue suka, gue nemu seri Z610 pink! It's just so cute x) & gue lagi ngga kepengen yang warna putih. I've checked the reviews, specs & all, udah yakin buat beli, tapi pas liat dummy-nya di toko, keliatan kinclong banget. Not the kind of glassy that I thought it would be. Dan ukurannya juga agak gede. Sempet ragu juga karena kayanya model ini ngga bagus-bagus amat, masih bagusan review-nya K790. Gue udah nyaris beli K790, tapi yang ada cuma warna item, gue ngga gitu minat karena kesannya kaya bapak-bapak, hehehe.

Target selanjutnya, gue liat model ini
K550. Ooh, another white! :D Fungsinya udah cocok lah sama gue, ngga terlalu canggih, yang penting bisa buat telepon, SMS & ada kamera :P. Tadinya gue pengen beli yg 3G, kaya Z610 itu, tapi setelah gue pikir, gue ngga bakalan pake fitur itu juga. Dari jamannya GPRS aja gue ngga pernah manfaatin, cuma tes-tes kirim MMS waktu pertama kali tau operator gue nyediain layanan MMS. Secara gue selalu berasa keabisan pulsa & sekarang selalu bengkak tagihannya, jadi ya, cukup untuk telepon & SMS :D. Gue udah yakin banget ni pengen beli K550, tapi setiap gue nanya yang warna putih di toko, selalu ngga ada -_-. Katanya belom dateng, cuma ada warna item. Lama-lama ilfeel juga, mulai ngga minat ganti HP. And thank god my good 'ol Nokia 6600 is healed, sebelum gue pake 6600 lagi, gue sempet make Nokia 6111 & I'm not too fond of it. I hate the display, terlalu rame, warnanya norak, font-nya gede-gede & ngga bisa dikecilin, kameranya jelek. Tiba-tiba aja 6111 gue rusak display-nya & 6600 gue yang tadinya keypad tengahnya ngga bisa ditekan, udah bisa dipake dengan normal, it's miraculously healed..! Hihi..

After awhile, I moved on to S500, it's just seems right. Meskipun ngga ada warna putih/pink-nya, dia ada warna kuning. Pas gue liat di iklannya si kaya soft gold gitu, oke lah. Tapi kok kalo gue liat di video liputan di YouTube, lebih ke kuning ya. I hate the color & I don't think I want to buy the black one, it's combined with green, which is far from my favourite color. Nah pas gue liat perbandingannya sama W580 di GSMArena, W580 cuma tambah FM Radio. Jadi dua-duanya sama-sama punya Walkman,
hmm langsung berminat beli yang W580 & it's white..! :)

Agak bingung juga si, karena tadinya gue ngga minat beli yang seri Walkman, gue kan jarang banget dengerin lagu/radio di HP -ya karena HP gue yang sekarang ngga ada radio juga si-. Kecuali kalo lagu-lagu di radio lagi jelek & gue ngga ketiduran di mobil ya ;P. So what's the use of ipod? I'll just wait till one of them is released. Kayanya bakal penantian panjang lagi ni & jangan-jangan gue juga udah ilfeel duluan nunggu. I really like the one on the right though.. ;)

Update: ternyata S500 punya media player, tapi bukan Walkman. Perasaan waktu itu dibilangnya Walkman de :D

Friday, June 01, 2007

TV Line Up

Gue seneng banget pas tau Star World bakal nayangin The Ellen Degeneres Show, penasaran aja pengen liat talk show-nya kaya apa, sepertinya lucu, I know she's funny, remember Dory on Finding Nemo? Tapi ternyata ditayanginnya daytime.. :( jam 12 teng, mana bisa gue nonton TV jam segitu..

Acara TV mulai bagus-bagus nih, tapi banyak yang ngga bisa gue ikutin, there's 30 Rock, My Name is Earl, The Apprentice 5, That 70's Show & How I Met Your Mother. I heard the first two is Golden Globe worthy. Udah nonton episode pertamanya, lumayan lah, tapi ngga bikin gue ketagihan buat nonton & dulu masih ada America's Next Top Model yang jamnya bentrok ma 30 Rock & gue lebih milih nonton ANTM. It's much more entertaining for me.. :P.

The Apprentice 5 udah nonton beberapa episode pertamanya, udah tau si pemenangnya siapa -selalu kena spoiler reality show- & gue mesti ngikutin every single episode! Luckily it's at 9pm -asal gue ngga mesti lembur aja-.That 70's Show ngga bisa nonton lagi :(, jam 7 si, gue cuma bisa sampe rumah jam 7 kalo dari kantor jam 5 teng, which is a very unlikely condition during these weeks ahead. Ada rerun jam 1/2 11, tapi gue suka udah males keluar kamar. And the last, How I Met Your Mother, gue pernah baca di beberapa blog kalo film ini agak-agak mirip Friends, jadi penasaran. Setelah nonton pilot-nya, cuma beberapa hal si yang sama, setting-nya sama-sama di New York, tokohnya mid-20's-after-college & tinggal sama temen deketnya pas kuliah. Gue rasa filmnya lebih terpusat ke 1 tokoh, ngga kaya Friends yang punya 6 karakter yang sama kuatnya, oh how I miss Friends.. :). We'll just see how the story will develop.. ;)

Satu lagi yang gue suka, bakal ada [scrubs] season 3..! I've watched it until the beginning of season 6, but I'll try to watch over season 3..:D

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Celebrity Look-alike

Iseng-iseng nyobain myHeritage, gue tau ini udah basi banget.. :P. Gue ngga kenal siapa 2 artis Jepang itu -do I look like Japanese??-, Natalie Merchant penyanyi, rasanya pernah denger namanya tapi gue ngga tau lagunya, my favourite is of course Stephanie Seymour & Kelly Clarkson..! Hihi...

Because Stephanie Seymour is a supermodel & Kelly is one of my favourite singer.. :P

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sidebar Updated

Just added some stuff on sidebar, it's old stuff but I still wanna have them ;P. playlist & mood drawings from (p)unkymoods..! :D I used to love this stuff, it's been gone for awhile & now it's back again with the name punkymoods, thanks to Peter, the site owner & also Marc the one who sketch all crazy moods.. ;)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Akhirnya gue mutusin buat nulis blog lagi, mungkin kebawa suasana karena beberapa temen gue ada yang rajin lagi nulis blog. Sebenernya dari dulu gue udah niat pengen nerusin blog ini, tapi ya karena ngga bakat nulis & sepertinya lebih banyak kerjaan lain yang lebih menarik, gue tunda2 mulu deh.. :P.

Where should I start, hmm well, today's one of the laziest day in my life, gue bangun agak siang, sarapan telat, nonton TV, santai2, browsing (tadinya mo nerusin kerjaan, tapi karena berasa lemes -mungkin efek2 darah rendah- jadinya gue procrastinating seharian) , makan siang, browsing lagi, barulah gue mandi sore & akhirnya berniat nerusin kerjaan kemaren. Jarang2 gue hari Sabtu mo kerja, setelah seminggu gue berkutat di kerjaan, biasanya kalo Sabtu gue harus santai. Tapi karena semalem kerjaan gue belom selesai & gue sangat sangat penasaran untuk nyelesain screen sial itu, jadilah gue nulis ini sambil kerja.

Jadi kemarin gue demo screen yang udah gue bikin ke team member gue, cuma 1 loh, SATU. Gue udah tau ada beberapa hal yang kurang dari sehari sebelumnya, berhubung gue udah males untuk ganti2 kodingan (takut aja berbuntut panjang & screen gue yang udah berjalan sukses malah berjalan ngga sukses), gue dengan PD-nya memperlihatkan screen itu ke tim. Seperti yang udah bisa ditebak, sang team leader menemukan kesalahan gue, & ternyataaa gue disuruh benerin error-nya hari itu juga [Jumat sore]. Padahal hari Jumat ini gue udah niat pulang cepet (baca: on time) yaitu jam 5 sore ato setelat2nya jam 7 deh.

Kebetulan jalanan di sekitar kantor gue lagi macet banget, biasalah Jumat malem, jadi ada alasan untuk stay di kantor. Sekitar jam 1/2 7 gue masih di depan laptop, makanan buat anak2 udah dateng *masih santai*. Kebetulan juga, ada seorang teman setim gue yang mau pulang bareng. Thanks to her, pas sholat maghrib, masalah validasi udah beres, sekarang tinggal masalah navigasi screen. [Back to work] otak-atik dikit (agak banyak sih + nanya2 juga) akhirnya navigasi udah bisa, tapi ada error yang lain lagi (gue lupa apa, sangking banyaknya) *masih mayan santai & optimis bakal selesai bentar lagi*. Teman gue itu akhirnya balik duluan dijemput suami + anaknya *mulai cemas, udah jam 9an & I'm the last girl standing*. Jam segini masih ada 10 orang yang bertahan, progress kerjaan gue ngga nambah2, tiap ada bug yang dibenerin muncul bug baru, sampe akhirnya gue mo kasih liat kerjaan gue yang (gue rasa) udah bener ke team leader & di depan dia lah salah 1 fungsi nya malah ngga jalan sama sekali *gubrak*. Hancurlah harapan gue buat pulang duluan. Masih berusaha nyelesain kerjaan, sekarang dibantu temen gue yang lain, kodingan gue banyak yang gue ganti, udah lupa asalnya kaya gimana daaan setelah beberapa kali coba, jam 1/2 11 belum selesai juga. Gue udah capeeee banget, ngantuk sih ngga, laper juga ngga, cuma cape. Untunglah temen gue & (yang paling penting) team leader gue sadar, jadi gue boleh pulang :P. Gue salut ma orang2 yang masih bertahan di kantor jam 1/2 11 lewat, huah, gue ngga tau tuh mereka pada balik jam berapa.

Sampe di mobil, kabarin bokap & pacar kalo gue udah cabut dari kantor. Gue ngga gitu merhatiin jalan, yang gue sadar gue udah keputer2 karena jalan banyak yang udah ditutup, sepertinya supir gue mo lewat Kuningan. Pas nyampe di Imam Bonjol, gue kira dia bakal terus biar bisa lewat Sudirman (ntah kenapa gue selalu prefer lewat Sudirman, rutenya familiar buat gue). Asumsi gue salah :D, dia belok lagi ke Kuningan & gue telat ingetin dia buat lewat Sudirman. Gue pikir ngga papalah lewat Kuningan lagi, toh yang nyetir dia. Mulai 'mimpi' bisa sampe rumah jam 11an, kan udah malem jadi bisa dong perjalanan kantor-rumah ditempuh dalam waktu 30 menit. Kuningan lancar *tenang*, sampe di perempatan Tendean, jalannya diblok, ternyata Tendean banjir :((. Dalam hati ngarep supir gue bakal ngarahin mobil balik ke Kuningan, lewat GatSu dan akhirnya Sudirman. Gue lupa kalo bisa jalan terus lewat Mampang, masuk ke jalan kecil, ada turunan *mulai cemas lagi, gimana kalo di depan banjir* dan bener aja loh, perjalanan gue masih panjang, di tanjakan macet, ternyata ni jalan nembus nya di Bangka. Pasrah aja de pas lewat Kemang, orang2 pada dugem, hang out, ngga mungkin ngga bikin macet. A few blocked & jammed roads later & akhirnya gue sampe rumah jam 12 kurang, belom makan!

Note to self: please remember to order dinner when the team leader ask you to fix the bug & submit the work pronto..

Wednesday, February 14, 2007