Tuesday, November 08, 2005

i don't need to know that, & u don't need to say that, especially to me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

KP oh KP

hua.. gue stress, ini KP pa kabar yak, pusing gue bikinnya. untuk menambah semangat, gue bikin ticker di atas, itu bukan graduation si maxudnya, tapi deadline pengumpulan laporan KP/TA/SP :)) *ketawa stress*.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

ah, here's another one, this time it's a puppy :D. be good zoey & trix! :P

adopt your own virtual pet!
yay, at last i have a tiger cub as a pet, virtual though ;), ngga kesampean si mo punya aslinya, hihihi. i named him (/her?) zoey. huhuhu, lucu skali x)

adopt your own virtual pet!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

about me, now

*abis liat blog ndiri* ternyata trakhir gue posting 2 bulan yang lalu ajah & kalo posting isinya juga dikit banget, why? karena gue emang mood2an :D, kalo mo posting ya posting, kalo ngga ya, gue cuekin aja ni blog, paling cuma liat2 blog orang & for some reasons gue juga jarang posting tentang personal life gue, well, maybe just a hint here & there :P. cos i think it's all too complicated to tell in a blog.

setelah hampir 2 bulan gue ngga nulis apa2 di sini *posting lirik lagu aja ngga*, udah banyaaak banget hal-hal yang terjadi dalam hidup gue. soal kuliah, student project gue udah selesai (& kuliah CAI gue berakhir dengan nilai C+, hix, kuliah terakhir gue C+, hix) dari akhir juli udah sidang, thanx 2 all of u guys & dhani juga :) *& all friends who support us in the process*. ini berarti kuliah gue tinggal 1, wajib pula 3 sks, yaituuu kerja praktek, ini si bukan kuliah sebenernya :P. jujur aja gue takut banget buat kerja praktek, takut gue ngga bisa ngerjain ndiri, hehehe, mana gue udah pengen lulus. setelah melihat-lihat jadwal semester ini, ternyata tanggal pengumpulan laporan kp/ta/sp itu tanggal 23 desember *shock pas baca*, jadi gue cuma punya waktu 3 bulan lebih dikit sajah untuk nyelesain sistem+laporan. aga'2 stress pas udah ngitung2 waktu pengerjaannya, mana gue susah banget buat konsen, kebayang dong kalo gue mesti kerja ndiri di rumah *kp nya bisa take home*. pasti banyak godaan ini itu, ya chatting lah, browsing lah, nonton tv lah, ada tamu lah. ahhh.... harus bekerja keras semester ini *semangat mode on*. sirik ajah pas tanggal 27 agustus kemarin ngeliat temen-temen gue pada wisuda T_T, makin sepi deh kampus, makin dikit de ce2 nya, total sekarang tinggal 4 ce di fasilkom 2001. ayo yang mo 4,5 taun, kita harus lulus semester iniiii :D:D

soal rumah, sejak gue pindahan akhir februari kemarin, udah banyak perubahan juga di rumah gue, dari yang tadinya gue numpang kamar di kamar ade gue, tiap hari tukang bangunan seliweran dalem rumah, rumah berdebu, sekarang gue udah di kamar sendiri *udah mayan lama si sbenernya* & gue udah berhasil membongkar smua kardus2 gue pas pindahan :D, berhubung nyokap makin lama makin sering komentar soal kamar gue yang masih berantakan, masih kaya pindahan, akhirnya gue merelakan waktu luang gue buat bongkar dua kardus terakhir yang isinya slide-slide kuliah, & banyak barang2 ngga penting :P. sekarang tinggal cari-cari kotak buat nyimpen barang2 itu, biar kamar gue bener2 clutter-free:D. rumah gue juga bisa dibilang selesai *akhirnya*, gue udah jarang liat tukang benerin ini itu yang kecil2. & oh yeah, my 2 dogs are about 5 months old now, anjing kalo umur segitu udah siap mating ya? ada yang punya 2 anjing ce yang umurnya sgitu juga ngga?:D, sebelum terjadi hal2 yang tidak diinginkan pada ke2 anjing gue, hueheuheuheu *iya, anjing gue dua2nya co*

soal personal life, still got nothing to say about this, maybe i got something to say, but i just wont say it here :P. & i just got this paranoia about my health, considering that i stayed at the hospital for a week in may & 2 weeks after that at home, yang ternyata karena gue sakit hepatitis A, katanya si karena gue kecapean, sering begadang, stress (ini kata gue), dll. sekarang ini gue mulai sering lagi begadang, pernah gue baru tidur jam 1/2 4 :D. padahal dulu pas abis sakit, gue tidur paling malem jam 12 kurang, pokoknya waktu itu gue bener2 tobat ngga mo begadang, tapi yaa, seiring berjalannya waktu, gue lupa ma tobat gue & sakit gue itu, & sekarang suka parno2 ndiri aja, takut kambuh sakitnya. it's only been 4 months since i got sick & now i'm back doing my bad habit.

that's all for now, gotta go doing some stuff for my internship, ta ta :]

Saturday, July 09, 2005

it's saturday, it's 2 days before the student project deadline, it's just the perfect time to spend this 'lovely' evening at campus >_<

while deep down there's this urge to see a friend of mine to tell her about everything, before i'm going insane. i really need to see her. a.s.a.p

Sunday, July 03, 2005

lagi-lagi lirik lagu

ok, i'm not gonna write anything important about my life, it's just another song lyric that i really like. ni lagu enak banget, dinyanyiin sama dave grohl (foo fighters) & louise post (veruca salt), it's one of those love songs sung by rock vocalists, one of reasons why i'm attracted to this song, hehe :P. ini lagu lama kok, udah dari taun 1997 kalo ngga salah, tapi baru sekarang gue dapet mp3 nya. it's a soundtrack from a movie called Touch, starring skeet ulrich & bridget fonda. gue udah lupa banget ceritanya kaya gimana^^, yang jelas dulu gue sempet nge fans sama skeet ulrich gara-gara dia main di scream. & here it goes... :)

dave grohl & louise post - touch

Touch, light as a feather
I will wait for you honestly
I am yours entirely
I remember last night's dream
Could it be you're one of me?

I have known
Your face inside the window
And the force forever in my heart
Like an angel's arrow

[louise & dave]
I remember last night's dream
Could it be you're one of me?
I've been waiting silently
Will you risk it all with me?

Ahh, ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh, ahh

[louise & dave]
I have known (Touch, light as a feather)
Your face inside the window
And the force forever in my heart (I will wait for you honestly)
Like an angel's arrow (I am yours entirely)

[louise & dave]
I remember last night's dream
Could it be you're one of me
I've been waiting
Will you risk it all with me?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

current addiction

been listening to this song over and over and over again & still can't get enough of it. luv it!

new order - krafty

Some people get up at the break of day
Gotta go to work before it gets too late
Sitting in a car and driving down the road
It ain't the way it has to be

But that's what you do to earn your daily wage
That's the kind of world that we live in today
Isn't where you wanna be
And isn't what you wanna be


Give me one more day (one more day)
Give me another night (just another night)
I need a second chance (second chance)
This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right)

I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)

You've got to look at life the way it oughta be
Looking at the stars from underneath the tree
There's a world inside and a world out there
With that tv you just don't care

They've got violence, wars and killing too
All shrunk down in a two-foot tube
But out there the world is a beautiful place
With mountains, lakes and the human race
This is where I wanna be
And this is what I wanna do

Give me one more day (one more day)
Give me another night (just another night)
I need a second chance (second chance)
This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right)

I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)

Just give me one more chance (one more chance)
Give me another night (just another night)
With just one more day (one more day)
You know I'll get it right (You know I'll get it right)

I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
If I could change your mind (If I could change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

nerd level

after some friends filling out this test, now it's my turn..:P

I am nerdier than 32% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

haha, not so surprised seeing the score...:D

Monday, May 30, 2005

back to campus

yay, tadi gue ke kampus lagi, meet some people & that's it, going back to home..:P. setelah 3 minggu gue ngga ke kampus, ngga kemana-mana, ngga online, palagi ngisi2 blog, hari jumat kemaren dokter gue sudah menyatakan gue sembuh, yay! :D. dan gue udah bisa beraktivitas seperti biasa. padahal sehari sebelum gue cek darah & ke dokter, gue udah deg2an, takut kalo hasil lab. gue ngga bagus & gue mesti bedrest lagi di rumah (aaaarghhh). untungnya pas jumat sore gue liat hasil lab, sgot & sgpt (fungsi hati) gue udah normal..:D. for more stories, ntar gue sambung lagi yak, got something to do...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

usher goes cyber??

haha.. susah juga ya nepatin janji sendiri buat ngga nge blog (baca: ngelakuin hal2 yang ngga ada hubungannya ma kuliah pas online), tadi maksudnya mo kirim e-mail, eh.. cek blog bentar, eh.. nemu lirik nya usher yang aga'2 norak jd pengen nge post, eh.. mo masukin foto di profile. padahal gue udah mo tidur lho, ini udah terlalu malem, ngga baik kalo sering begadang (yea rite :P). anyway, ini lirik lagunya usher yang judulnya dot com, gue ngga tau dia ngeluarin ni lagu kapan, yang jelas gue akhir2 ini emang sering denger di radio, tapi baru merhatiin liriknya sekarang2 ini setelah penyiarnya nyebut judulnya. gue jadi penasaran ma lagunya, setelah gue nemu liriknya...ternyata... :)). maybe he's into cyber dating when he made this song, huahahaha..:)). well, gue ngga gitu tau semua lagunya usher si, cuma yang baru2 aja & itu juga ngga semuanya, so far si gue masih suka, tapi setelah liat lirik lagu ini, hmm.. go figure -_-

usher - dot com

oooo i love the way ya dirty type
i can take you home on escape
oooo i need your backspace in my life
thank god you don't have a flatscreen

please baby i got to see you
i really want to please you
so get on my laptop so i can download
online...i love the way you log on
we can do it all night
i'll make you dot com
baby if you sign on
i'm gon make ya light up
oo baby if you log on
i'll make you dot com

i wanted to linger with you baby at first sight
you i get to use my f keys
i can't wait to give you megabytes
i got other memory you need
let ma finges do the talking

oo baby you want this i know
can't wait to give you my harddrive
my moonlight...if it's alright
baby...i'm always at your window
ready to shift and control you
if you wanted to....say yes baby
say yes baby
got to say yes
ooo say yes baby
say yes baby
got to say yes
yes, say it

Sunday, April 24, 2005

time is running out

oh no.. april is almost over, what have i been doing in these past 4 months...??? *stress*. alamat 4,5 ni... huaaaa....:((

Thursday, April 21, 2005

i would be good

that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you

alanis morissette's that i would be good

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


not this thing again... why me..? :|

Friday, April 15, 2005

my lips

ngga tau kenapa ya, dari hari selasa kemaren tiba2 bibir gue sariawan (lebih dari 1) & ngga sembuh2 sampe sekarang & bibir gue itu jadi merah2 karena kering. mungkin gara2 gue masih make lip balm yang gue beli 1,5 taun yang lalu kali ya..:P. pas hari selasa itu gue masih ngga mo ke dokter, karena gue pikir masih bisa diobatin sendiri pake salep khusus, setelah gue beli salepnya, gue obatin, kok ngga ngaruh ya..? padahal dulu kalo make salep ini sekali pake juga udah ilang sariawannya. tapi ini sampe 4 hari & bibir gue masih berasa kering juga. kayanya make lip balm juga ngga ngaruh, & seperti biasa, gue mulai berpikir yang aneh2 yg bikin gue tambah parno..:P. jadi sore ini gue mutusin untuk ke dokter, meskipun rada malu jg kalo ternyata ini emg cuma sariawan biasa..:P, kayanya penting banget gitu sampe gue ke dokter sgala :)). huehehe...udah ah.. curhat tentang bibirnya..

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

ribetnya mo online..

huah... akhir2 ini gue kalo mo connect susaaaaah banget...:(. ngga tau kenapa telkomnet nya putus2 mulu pas awal connect, setelah coba beberapa kali, baru de berhasil, setelah gue udah aga' ilfeel. gara2 ini gue jadi inget buat ngurusin account CBN, bokap gue udah bayar tagihannya & ternyata... setelah gue tanyain ke CBN, account gue udah ilang gara2 bayarnya kelamaan..:P, jadi gue mesti register lagi. ya udah.. gue mo register lewat web nya, pas mo isi form, baru sadar kl buat daftar2 apapun, perlu yg namanya *KTP*, & sampe sekarang KTP gue belom jadi2, sooo... gue harus mEnunGGu KTP itu jadi. sementara pasrah aja dulu make telkomnet yg aga'2 ini -_-

Thursday, March 31, 2005


fiuh.. what a week... hehe... ngga sgitunya juga si..:P, tapi mayan bikin gue bingung sendiri. kynya kejadian yg gue alamin makin aneh aja..:D. well, i kinda enjoy spending time alone as long as my beloved friends will always be there for me.

last but not least, i wanna thank my good good friend for being there for me *again* after all what happened to both of us :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

setelah sekian lama...

wow.. kayanya udah lama banget ya gue ngga nulis di sini..
soo many things happened in these past 2 months, ngga berasa ya waktu lewat gitu aja. tapi critanya ntar2 aja kali ya..:P
anyway, gue cuma posting ni lagu, entah kenapa gue seneng banget ngehubungin lagu2 ma perasaan gue, biasanya gara2 itu gue jadi suka ma 1 lagu. my fellow incubus fan, if u read this, i hope u can get a clue of how i feel these days..;). so, here it is...

-incubus: the warmth-

I'd like to close my eyes and go numb
But there's a cold wind coming from
The top of the highest high rise today
It's not a breeze cuz it blows hard
Yes and it wants me to discard the
The humanity I know, watched the warmth blow away
...So don't let the world bring you down...
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came and while you're alive
Experience the warmth before you grow old
So do you think I should adhere
To that pressing new frontier
And leave in my wake, a trail of fear
Should I hold my head up high
And throw a wrench and spokes by
I'm leaving the air behind me clear
So don't let the world bring you down
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came and while you're alive
Experience the warmth before you grow old
So don't let the world bring you down
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came and while you're alive
Experience the warmth before you grow old
Before you grow old

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Hamster --> Anjing --> Pindah Rumah..:D

Di rumah gue lagi ada hamster ni... kmaren ade gue bawa dari sekolahnya, karena libur mayan lama, tu hamster dititipin ke ade gue. He's cute...! warna coklat muda & putih gitu. Pas gue elus2, taunya tiba2 di gigit, sial... gue kira hamster ngga bisa gigit, ternyata....
Maklum de, baru skr ada hamster di rmh gue :P. Kasian juga sih tu hamster, kandangnya kecil banget, kerjaannya tidur-makan-tidur-makan-dst.. ngga ada mainan apapun, kebayang ngga sih lo, kl lo jadi tu hamster... sengsara banget hidupnya. Truss, td mo dibeliin kandang yg lbh gede ma roda biar dia bisa main2, ternyata barito tutup, jadinya ke carrefour & di sana ngga ada. Untung di rmh masih ada kotak yang bisa dijadiin kandang hamster..Jdnya dia udah dpt kandang baru yg lbh gede.. :)

Speaking of pets, i just can't wait to move in to my new house, so i can have a dog...:D. Ntah knp gue pengen banget punya anjing, kynya lucu aja, bisa gue ajak main sekaligus jaga rumah, hehehe...:P.

Dan.. bokap gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk pindah bulan februari ini...:) fiuh.. akhirnya, setelah sekian lama yg "katanya gue mo pindah rumah", baru bln depan gue bisa pindah, pdhal sampe skr msh blm slesai lho...:D. But i think it's quite positive that we're *finally* gonna have to move in this february. Hihihi... just can't wait till the day comes..

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

First Post

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama gue bikin blog juga....:P. Tapi kayanya ngga bakal gue update tiap hari, cuma kalo lagi niaaat nulis, hehehe...